congratulations to me!

I survived all of my classes this summer! Everything is officially turned in. My catapult with Carrie was one of the best presentations in our class. We did not actually use ping pong balls in class, but we had a contest to see who could send their marshmallows the farthest. Very fun toy! It is not that good with aim-- we tried getting them in people's mouths, but it was not too great for that! Anyway, just finished my presentation for my last class! I only have 7 more hours till my Master's is finished. And that means automatic raise--how bout them apples!
To celebrate the actual start to my summer (as in no responsibilities for either school setting!) I am headed to the Cardinals game tomorrow afternoon. I hope that I am as lucky as we were watching it from the bar last night. Four of us met for happy hour before the game, and two people left to head the the game. My roommate's friend Kevin and I stayed behind for "one more drink." Well, Jaime called in the seventh inning and we were still sitting there since the cardinals were actually winning!! And they did win the game. It was fabulous. So I hope they can do it again for my tomorrow.