Monday, October 01, 2007

I like sleep but forgot what it feels like

  • The Cardinals did not go to the post season. I don't really know how to feel cause I feel empty. What am I supposed to do every night? Who do I watch? And what do I do about all the tests and quizzes from last year that I want to steal questions from that have questions about the World Series?
  • Why? Why do people get me hooked on new shows? So a bunch of us from school watch Lost. One of the guys said that we should start watching Heroes. Someone else did who talked me into watching also. So two weeks ago it was a marathon. I watched all 23 episodes from Sunday at 11 am till Friday during my plan period about lunch time so that I would be ready last Monday for the new season. I am hooked. It is great. Now there are about 5 more people who followed in my footsteps.
  • And Gossip Girl. I always watch many shows that the girls watch. And this is the one they were obsessed with so I am trying. I guess the thrill comes after you have read the books????
  • I am in grading hell. I hate it.
  • My little man, Austin is so cute. Angie and I walked him before bedtime tonight. I need to take pictures of him. He is such a little flirt. And Wednesday is his 6 month birthday.
  • This week is crazy. It is Spirit Week. It is the week leading up to our big fundraiser-- Fall Fest on Sunday. We dress to a theme everyday. The theme for the year is strike a pose. It is based on America's next Top Model. Today was animal print. (not fun at all). Tomorrow is family picture. My homeroom is doing plaid pj's and pigtails. Wednesday is JOutfits. As in jean outfits. How funny is that? I found my overalls from about 1990. And I intend to wear them. Picutes if I remember. (I just have to remember clothes to change into when I run places after school.) Thursday is Flash Back day. It is supposed to be flashback to grade school mixers. Jaime and I cannot decide how to do theirs and not ours. who knows what is up with 5 years ago mixers?
  • This weekend is crazy. Homecoming chaperoning Friday night. Anyone intersted? It is always a fun time. They are so cute! Saturday morning I head to watch a 15 year old select soccer game-- but wait to hear my fun after since I am going to the game. .. I am going to the MIzzou vs. Nebraska game. It should be a blast. And we are staying there afterwards. I am excited. Sunday we head home and then go to Fall Fest to be a good (hungover) teacher who is excited about being with teenagers!

So that is my update since Katie says I don't do it. I am doing what I can. Can someone remind me that a certain guy whose name starts with a K will only break my heart?????


Blogger melissa said...

dude, i LOVE that your spirit week theme is based on ANTM. that's awesome. i think i will try to start an ANTM-based spirit week in my office... i'll let you know how that goes. in addition, i am sad to report that i, too, watch gossip girl. and not because anyone convinced me to do it or because i have ever read the books (that's based off book?!?), but because i am a LAME-O.

9:17 AM  

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