Thursday, July 05, 2007

So I forgot my password

So I have been missing for so long because I was busy AND I forgot my password. Yep, tried every single one that I could think of. And none of the options they give to help worked. Long story, but it was annoying. And suddenly, I remembered changing my password. It was the same as the one that I have for school that I set up this spring. I don't know how that happened, but it did. I have so many passwords-- school (with me as teacher) has to have different ones for different things and school (with me as student) has to have different things met. For one, you are not allowed to have any actualy words or parts of words. Plus, you have to have atleast 7 characters and I think 2 had to be numbers. How do you do that? How do you remember something like that? I tried initials, I tried so many things before I finally came up with something that it would allow. Computers are getting too smart.

This is a quick return blog but I am off to drinks with Doug who owes me for all of the free tutoring that I have given him. He asked me to help him 2 or 3 times. But that has turned into 10 or 12. And never once has he paid me. So he owes me a few evenings out. I think I get dinner out of the deal too. I told him he owed me big if he can pull off an A. He has a 96 and he is halfway through the class, so I think he has a shot. So I am off....


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