Monday, June 23, 2008

Prayers Please

I know that probably not too many people actually read my blog since I NEVER update. But I need to ask a favor of anyone who is out there reading.

One of my students -- Meagan, 17 years old, about to be a senior -- had a large tumor in her stomach. I believe 20x10x12 cm if I remember correctly. She had it removed last Tuesday. The family had a huge sigh of relief because the doctors were convinced that it was benign. Later that day, she bagan bleeding internally. Since then she has gone through 2 more surgeries, several blood clots, and a couple of very close calls where they were able to revive her with CPR.

The doctors believe that she is fairly stable now. They are hoping to allow her to wake up in the next couple of days. It is still scary. Her friends are a mess, of course, and I dealt with lots of tears when I ran into a couple at school today. Please keep Meagan, her family, and her friends in your prayers. She certainly needs them!


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