Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I am feeling so bad for all the people who STILL do not have power. Tomorrow is the big day that they promise it back on to all. We got ours back sometime between Friday at 1pm and Saturday at 4:30pm. Since our parents all had electricity we stayed there. Elaine and Mary showed up here Saturday afternoon and it was on! We did not expect it that soon so it a good surprise. I did not get back over here till Sunday night because I had so much to do! Sleeping in my own bed on Sunday was fabulous! Soulard did not get their electricity until Monday night. My friend lives down there and a tree fell in their back yard. It was huge and ripped down big branches off two other trees. It knocked down two huge sections of fence and part of the back porch. They have enough firewood for bonfires for years! It is a mess! Wish I had had my camera when I went over there, but I didn't. I'll take pics if I make it over there before it is all cleaned up!

My roommates and I are currently obsessed with catching up on the first season on Lost. Mary and I are watching the last one right now. Then the countdown begins to wait for Season two to come out. I can't wait. Thanks to Josh and Christi, I already know half of what happens. I know some deaths and other things. Hopefully not too much of it is spoiled when I really get to watch it.

Mom got her walking cast on Friday! It was a beautiful day! She can go with me to get the grocery shopping done (still no driving!) and she can get downstairs to do laundry! She is a lot happier too! The countdown is till August 9th now when HOPEFULLY she will be finished and healed! Dad goes back to work next week, and hopefully he will survive. He is still really sore. But essentially, my nursing days of summer are over! Just a little bit more driving and that is not too bad!

Saw my tentative class lists the other day. I have my least favorite student and her sidekicks in the same class. I am not happy about that. I do have a class of only 13 though. That should be a good group. So my algebra classes are 25 and 22. Geometry is 20, 18, and 13. The Geometry should be nice. And actually I think that there are still some girls on lists who are not really coming back but who withdrew late. So we will have to see how things turn out. I teach most of my classes in the morning which is great! Only 2 in the afternoon. They have had way less sugar in the morning so that is nice! I have to get to my classroom to work on it sometime next week! I cannot believe how soon summer is going to be over. . . Still have so much I want to do before school starts again. Including trips to Little Rock and Columbia. I need to figure out what till work around the 2 weddings that I still have left. Dan and Lauren's is this Friday at the Jewel Box. It is beautiful BUT it is green house at the end of July. It is not going to be fun at the ceremony! But I am sure it will be great!


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